
Showing posts from September, 2014

Transform Meetings from Boring to Productive

What’s the number one cause of inefficiency and lack of productivity in America?  One word: Meetings.  What should be truly meaningful, useful time dedicated to the creation of tangible value is instead reduced to mind numbing, poorly facilitated, ineffective meetings that rob you, your workplace, and your organization of joy, productivity, and results.  What can you do about it?  Take action NOW. Deliver a life-changing experience instead of merely meeting an expectation.  Here are just a few ways to make all of your meetings more productive: 1. Stop and think: Is the meeting necessary?  Reduce the number of regularly-scheduled meetings. Obtain consensus or results without filling the conference room. Use alternate ways to achieve your outcome before committing a dozen people to an hour-long conference. A meeting invite shouldn’t be your instant response to every challenge or issue.  2. Reduce the number of attendees.  Stamp out “Over-Invitation...

Love what you build. Build what you love.

10 things Product Managers must do I love being a Product Manager. Hunter Walk  defines product management as being where Science meets Art. He's right. It's a unique role in that it touches on all aspects of a business.  Ty Ahmad-Taylor  elaborates further, explaining: “Product lies at the intersection of business, design and engineering. It is your role to educate business people about design and engineering, engineers about business and design, designers about engineering and business.” Throughout the process you read a ton of email, look at many screens, and create relationships with a lot of awesome people. Yet through it all, there remains one constant: the product. The product is your baby.  You must keep its interests at heart, make it look nice, ensure it grows and matures, and (of course) tell the world how great it is. Everyone can keep learning and improving; I strive to do so every day. But in my time working in the profession (building s...

How to Become the Robin Hood of Internet Marketing Archery

BY  PETER ROESLER One of the greatest benefits of marketing on the internet is also the thing that makes it the most challenging. The fact that just about everyone is online means it's harder to reach the specific group of consumers a business owner would like to reach. The key to a successful internet marketing campaign depends on two things, proper targeting and good aim. Marketers need to become skilled archers, deftly shooting the arrows of their message past online distractions to squarely hit their target audiences. The ability to know which audiences to target and when to shoot the message are vital skills that take practice and thought to master. This article will show business owners and marketers how they can become the Robin Hood of internet marketing archery. The first thing business owners and marketers have to do is decide on a target audience. Business owners may think they have a product or service with universal appeal, but that is rarely the case. Despite w...