Information, digital marketing, and new digital world

By: Mohammadreza Rostami Rad, October 2015 Recently I have read two articles which explore some interesting information regarding online activities, digital world and sharing and producing knowledge from different point of views. First article The first article is “Digital overloaded – seduced by distraction”. Its title simply shows the main idea of this paper. The writer reviewed different items and tries to have a depth looking to reason of distraction and its related subjects. Errin Anderssen believes “in the information overloaded world, everybody is trying to grab our attention” and we, ourselves aren’t aware of this valuable asset. Facing with different titles and bombarding by information which are increasing by new technologies and companies simply resulted being distracted. It means something is happening, everybody is trying to grab our attention and also they are worried about our distraction! Distraction, one of the unknown routines, most of times, we sta...