Starting May 15, 2017, Remarketing Audiences created in Google Analytics will be enhanced to automatically take advantage of new cross-device remarketing functionality now available in AdWords and DoubleClick . This will allow you to reach your customers across devices when using Google Analytics Audiences. Our research shows that six in ten internet users start shopping on one device but continue or finish on a different one. With cross-device remarketing in AdWords and DoubleClick, if someone visits your website on one device, you can now reach them with more relevant ads when they search or browse on another device. Where users have chosen to enable Google to associate their web and app browsing history with their Google account, and to use information from their Google account to personalize ads, Google will use data from its signed-in users together with your Google Analytics data to build audience lists for cross-device remarketing. In order to support this feature, tw...
by: Hannah Forbes-George For small businesses and solopreneurs, blogging couldn’t be more vital in terms of helping you to stand out as an expert in your niche, and consequently, attract the right traffic to your website. We call this ‘the top of your marketing funnel’ (gosh I think I made myself yawn then – no more jargon, I promise), which simply means it’s one really effective way to attract your prospects before converting them into leads and customers. Despite this, solopreneurs and small businesses avoid blogging because of one universal problem . . . yes you guessed it – TIME. Their are many benefits to being a solopreneur or running a small business (my favourite being that you can make decisions and change direction quickly), but lack of time isn’t one of them. You’re so busy carrying out every function of your business, that how on earth do you have time to create three, four or five insightful, original and engaging blog posts every week on top of everything else? The f...
BY Paul B. Brown When you are searching for a great idea for a product or service, one that you can build a business around, it's natural to start with a blank piece of paper--or empty computer screen. Natural? Yes. A good idea? No. To increase your odds of success dramatically, begin by searching for places where you can solve a problem or improve an existing idea. It isn't as strange as it sounds. Because you are smart and creative , there is absolutely no doubt you could come up with endless ideas for new products or services before the sun sets. There would be that zero gravity theme park, make-your-own donut shops, and that portable computer that comes with a built-in printer. Creativity is wonderful. And imagination even better. But if they are not linked to making money--or making the world a better place, if what you want to do is create a nonprofit--then they aren't particularly helpful. They are just thoughts you have to help pass the time. Creativity ...
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