Customer service Failure

All of the companies, surrender of their size, are trying to make themselves different with their services. It means that all of the companies invest big money on their customer service to have better customer retention rate. The main value advantage!
I called to many customer services for getting my results, and it was interesting that I found them on the same way. None of them when they were searching for something to cover my need, didn't speak with me!
It means that during their research and process, I was in the silence! Why is it wrong?
When a customer calls to a customer service, it means something disturbs him/her, and he/she needs to have some special care. Always we know that a good customer is really a huge asset to the companies, but unfortunately most of times we forget how to do that. A customer who comes to us with a problem, it means something is wrong and first of all after telling nice sentences such as "how may I help you today?", he/she needs to see respect. When as a customer service agent, I put the customer in unknown situation, it means that I will make him/her more excited than before the call.
It is really important to customer that knows what we are doing as the customer service, and why we are doing so. Speaking on the phone and explaining the process which is followed, will make trust and will get a better feeling to the customer. And the customer will find us very close to him/her self and will share what really he/she thinks about our company, product or eventually about our sales person, and these data is really valuable to the company.
Always we need to remember that we are selling satisfaction, and no matter where we are working and what is our role, we can't forget about it. If the customer is not enjoying with us on the phone, it means that we are destroying our company's reputation very very simple. We need to do some kind of networking, for our company and always enjoy it.


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